Thursday, November 11, 2010


What are your thoughts on the final screening? Are we prepared? How do you envision the final show? What do you want the kids to get out of the screening?

So far, my group has been quite efficient in making assets. Group storyboarding was a success and many of the girls on my team are beautiful craftswomen. I can see specialties in each kid. Johanna loves to make presents and squirrels, Giselle loves making snow and cardboard related things, Desiree is really good at drawing the main girl character, another girl loves to make things that need making. Erika and her friend were the only girls that troubled me because they were disengaged with the activities at the table. I told them to work together to make giant snowflakes for fun. They ended up contributing really beautiful decorations to our piece. Surprisingly great progress so I'm not worried yet about being unprepared for the screening. I'm excited to start animating!

I envision the final show to be a nice gathering of kids and some parents... but more of us and the kids celebrating what we learned this past semester. Kind of like a scrapbook more than anything formal. I hope we include all the hilarious practice work and bloopers.
I want the kids to get nostalgic and get excited about making things in general. I love looking back on completed work of my own to think "Wow. I pulled through and made something cool. Possibilities are endless!". I hope they inspire each other, appreciate the animation process and feel on top of the world.

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