Friday, November 19, 2010


Is there something we haven’t covered in class that you wish we would have had time to address? If so what? How would you adjust the syllabus if you were teaching the course again? Do you think we are on target with our original objective?

I think everything's been really successful. We've taught essential things and still had a blast. It'd be fun to do skits and team building exercises just for general life skills. Our original objective is well on it's way. The final projects are looking great.

This week we started shooting! It was tough. On the first day, the group started together but as shooting continued Darling was the only one left helping. The other girls went to goof off at the crafts table while some just disappeared altogether. Alexis tried to assign Erika and Destiny (the "rebels") the task of making a list of sounds. Unfortunately they took this lightly and wrote the same unhelpful thing twice on two different papers... it can't be helped! Darling did an amazing job.
By the end, I was quite frustrated with the group so I called a meeting to address the issue. I told them that only Darling was helping the shoot and they need to start contributing. They're response was "We made the assets already!" To which I responded, "Making assets is only half of making a film."

On the second day of shooting, things were a lot better. Everyone except the rebels were helping. They were really excited about sprinkling snow... and about the squirrels falling love. We actually finished shooting! Holy shizzzzaaam!

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